In 1942, then Major General George S. Patton, Jr., was the Commanding General of Camp Young, then located near the current General Patton Memorial Museum at Chiriaco Summit. It has been said that General Patton visited the VFW Post Hall in Coachella several times.
General Patton and his Line Officers joined Post 3699 in 1942 and the General remained a Post member to his death
In a letter dated, 24 June 1944 to then Post Commander Walter Irving, General Patton wrote.
My dear Commander,
Thanks very much for your letter of June 10 enclosing a membership card for this year. I take great pride in being a member of your Post. I regret that you had a fire in your hall but trust that the damage has been repaired by now. Looking forward to making the Post proud of me.
Truly yours, G.S.Patton, JR Liet. General, US Army